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Get Certified

PSR program includes:
CBHT - Certification and all In-Services Required by FCB and DCF
Multicultural Counseling
Mental Health & Substance Abuse 8 hours Curriculum
Marchman Act / Baker Act
PSR – In Services Package
2 Webinars included to compliment your eLearning experience
Online accounts for State Agencies and Board (FCB)
Level II – Background Check
This program offers the training requirements for the Florida Certification Board application as a
Certified Behavioral Health Technician (CBHT) and with all Medicaid / AHCA requirements
If you have some of these trainings completed already please call 786.316.7106 for a customize quote.
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Note to students:
All online modules and exams to be completed.
The time frame for completing your 75 hours is, from your registration, minimum 30 days maximum 90 days.
You can begin the class at any time and participate in our monthly webinars.
You are responsible for your own deadlines and registrations with the DCF, FCB and Medicaid.
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